9 Instant Pot DON’TS! Tip Tuesday

9 Instant Pot DON'TS! Tip Tuesday

January 19, 2020 | More from Equipment

9 Instant Pot DON’TS! Tip Tuesday

I’ve had my Instant Pot for just over 2 years and I am still learning! Every recipe it fun to experiment with! With those experiments, I have learned a lot especially when it comes to things that I should not do!
These 9 Instant Pot Don’ts will hopefully help someone that is just starting out and learning how maneuver around the Instant Pot!

Be sure to give me a thumbs up and comment if you would like more Instant pot recipes or tips and tricks with the Instant Pot!

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Have an Instant Pot? Find my NEW Instant Pot Recipes Group HERE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2001727599891399/?source_id=148323315240164

This is the Instant Pot I have (yes it is the cheaper one and I love it!): http://amzn.to/2F3Lznx

If you are cooking for 1 person I would suggest the 3 Quart. If you are cooking for more, I would suggest the 6 quart!

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Need some Instant Pot Ideas? These are some of our recipes! http://bit.ly/2Dxxajb

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