How to Use an Instant Pot – Instant Pot 101 – Beginner? Start HERE!

How to Use an Instant Pot - Instant Pot 101 - Beginner? Start HERE!

January 19, 2020 | More from Equipment

How to Use an Instant Pot – Instant Pot 101 – Beginner? Start HERE!

Using an Instant Pot can be intimidating until you know how to use it! Watching someone explain how to use and Instant Pot can make everything so much easier.

So if you are a beginner, you need to watch this video on How to Use an Instant Pot! It is perfect for those just starting out.

Find the cute magnetic wrap here:

Here are 9 things you might not know about the Instant Pot:

Check out my 9 Instant Pot DON’TS if you are a beginner to Instant Pot cooking!…

See our other Instant Pot Recipes:…

Just remember when using the Instant Pot, it takes 10-20 minutes to pressurize!

Be sure to give me a thumbs up and comment if you would like more Instant pot recipes or tips and tricks with the Instant Pot!

This is the Instant Pot I have (yes it is the cheaper one and I love it!):

Find the pans I used in this recipe here:

If you are cooking for 1-2 people I would suggest the 3 Quart. If you are cooking for more, I would suggest the 6 quart!

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