Top 10 Most Alkaline Foods – List of High Alkaline Vegetables

Top 10 Most Alkaline Foods - List of High Alkaline Vegetables

October 07, 2018 | More from Alkaline | Tags:

Top 10 Most Alkaline Foods – List of High Alkaline Vegetables

Top 10 Most Alkaline Foods – List of High Alkaline Vegetables. In this video you will see the top 10 most alkaline foods, particularly vegetables. In the next video you will see the list of high alkaline fruits.

Alkalizing your body can help you improve your health and reach your ideal weight.

The process starts by reducing the amount of acid you put into your body.

Alkalizing foods will help you balance out the acidic foods you do eat and help your body maintain the optimal pH of 7.35 without having to neutralize acid by storing it excess body fat.

Alkaline foods have a pH higher than 7.0.

Unlike acidic foods that can be as low as 2.5, alkaline foods are usually only slightly above 7.0.

This means it can take a lot of alkaline foods to balance out a smaller amount of acidic foods.

Mostly all fruits and vegetables are alkaline but to gain maximum benefit one must try and consume high alkaline foods.

Foods that are high in alkaline content can help achieve optimal benefits from the food we eat while at the same time keeping our body ph balanced.

Children and senior citizens have small appetites and by giving them such foods one can insure that they get enough nutrition even in small portions.

To maintain a healthy body ph one needs to consume 60 % alkaline foods and the rest 40% can be acidic but to restore a healthy ph balance the food that is high in alkaline content should make up about 80% of the entire food intake. Here is where the high alkaline foods step in.

In the vegetable category mostly all the items are alkaline but there are a few that are considered to be high in alkaline content.

Raw spinach falls in this segment.

But this food, that is highly alkaline, if cooked becomes acidifying.

Similarly asparagus which are definitely high alkaline foods are good only if green; the white tips are acidic and should be left out of the cooking.

Foods that are high in alkaline content are essential for the body and unless one has a death wish they should not be ignored.

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